Saturday, 30 April 2011

Project 2 - FINAL

Particle Waves

In order to create my final product, I utilized what to me seemed most important for my program from the physics. The mouse attraction. Since I wanted my design to be focused on the visuals/intuitive mouse interaction I decided this would be the best part to emphasise. For sound I wanted something subtle that would complement the forms being created by the mouse/particles rather than something which would become it's own interaction altogether. After experimenting with sine waves which would change depending on how the user handled the mouse, I decided a better way to go would be to use a sound which evoked the visuals. I chose several different clips of the sound of waves, which play slightly differently depending on where the user releases the mouse.

Project 2

Interaction test.

After playing around with some basic mouse interaction code I decided that I wanted to create something that was heavily user interaction based and able to be influenced in a very natural, intuitive way. I did not want a program which would define the way the user chose to use it, instead I wanted something which had a degree of flexibility and which was above all else, actually fun to use.

In the end I decided to use as a base for my code, as I liked the idea of separate particles and being able to manipulate them with the mouse as well as the simulation of physics.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Project 2 - Inspiration

Spring Mesh




These two processing sketches both appealed to me due to the mouse interaction and the way they emulate stress/tension. Although as a user we cannot 'feel' through the mouse, the sketches here I felt managed to simulate the effect. I noticed that both of these sketches used toxiclibs libraries and so affected my decision to also use those libraries in my project.